Establishing An Oil Analysis Program

A few things to know before getting started.

  1. UNIT INFORMATION: Make, model, serial number, unit number, oil type and, if applicable, fuel type are all important pieces of information needed to tailor recommendations.
  2. BASELINE SAMPLES: Testing new oil to be used in the sampled equipment provides specific guidelines helping us better establish potential problems and condemning limits.
  3. ESTABLISH REGULAR SAMPLING FREQUENCY: A regular sampling frequency should be established. After 3 to 5 samples, a history will have been established and trends will become easy to pin-point.
  4. TAKING REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLES: Consistent sample collection is important because differing sample points or techniques can affect the trend patterns. Engines should be sampled while the oil is still HOT.
  5. OIL ANALYSIS: The condition of both the unit and oil will be reflected on our report. Each report illustrates up to 8 results with the most recent being last. The bottom of each analysis displays the corresponding recommendation code. “N” represents normal conditions. “M” represents a moderate changed in trend patterns. “C” represents abnormal conditions which will require action.
  6. COMMUNICATION: For a successful oil analysis program, the laboratory and customer must communicate effectively. Names and contact information will be secured at the inception of the program. Should a problem be detected, the appropriate person will be contacted to report our findings or gather additional data.